Nutrition Library - Browse Articles for Cats with Medical Conditions

  • Cancer Cachexia
  • Applies To:Cancer, Lifestage: Senior and Elderly
  • Cancer cachexia is a common end stage manifestation of a wide variety of cancers in people, dogs and cats. It is a complex syndrome that includes progressive weight loss that occurs even in the face of apparently adequate nutritional intake. This article describes the current knowledge on cancer cachexia in dogs and cats and some very general feeding recommendations. Number of citations = 10
  • Cat
  • Category:With Medical Conditions, Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:3
  • Price:$0.00
  • Colitis
  • Applies To:Intestines - Large Bowel
  • A number of infectious, toxic, inflammatory and dietary factors can trigger an episode of large bowel diarrhea. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is thought to be the most common type of colitis. Multiple strategies for managing colitis are described. A diet should be specifically formulated for each case, hence no diet is suggested in this article.

    Number of citations = 13
  • Cat
  • Category:With Medical Conditions
  • Number of Pages:6
  • Price:$0.00
  • Constipation Obstipation Megacolon
  • Applies To:Intestines - Small Bowel
  • The clinical problem of constipation and the more serious condition obstipation are described. Megacolon is briefly described as a common reason for obstipation in cats. Megacolon is rare in dogs. Dietary management using water and fiber supplementation in both species is explained. A diet should be specifically formulated for each case, hence no diet is suggested in this article.

    Number of citations = 6
  • Cat
  • Category:With Medical Conditions
  • Number of Pages:5
  • Price:$0.00
  • Feline Diabetes
  • Applies To:Pancreas
  • In feline diabetes mellitus blood glucose concentrations can not be maintain in the normal range. This article discusses the recommended concentrations of protein, carbohydrate and fiber, feeding principles, and recommends particular commercial diets and treats. Number of citations = 7
  • Cat
  • Category:With Medical Conditions
  • Number of Pages:5
  • Price:$0.00
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease - cat
  • Applies To:Intestines - Small Bowel
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is thought to be the most common reason for chronic vomiting and diarrhea in cats. Multiple strategies for managing IBD are described. A diet should be specifically formulated for each case, hence no diet is suggested in this article.

    Number of citations = 5
  • Cat
  • Category:With Medical Conditions
  • Number of Pages:5
  • Price:$0.00
  • Kidney Disease - cat
  • Applies To:Kidney, Lifestage: Senior and Elderly
  • Cats with renal disease may first have an increase in drinking and urination and then a slow chronic loss of weight with occasional vomiting. The mainstay of dietary management of renal disease is to reduce the nitrogenous waste products, decrease phosphorous intake and increase water intake. Diet options diets are discussed and compared. This article does not contain diet recipes.
    Number of citations = 5
  • Cat
  • Category:With Medical Conditions, Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:5
  • Price:$0.00
  • Nutrition in Cancer Patients
  • Applies To:Cancer, Lifestage: Senior and Elderly
  • This article summarizes the collective knowledge to date on the nutritional factors, diets and feeding of companion animals with cancer. Nutritional support can reduce or prevent the side effects associated with cancer therapy and help ameliorate the metabolic changes induced by cancer in dogs and cats. Additionally, there is growing evidence that specific nutrients may aid in the treatment of some cancers. Manipulating the dietary fat, protein (amino acids) and soluble carbohydrate concentrations can potentially minimize the stress response and slow tumor progression.

    Number of citations = 16
  • Cat
  • Category:With Medical Conditions, Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:11
  • Price:$0.00
  • Overweight/Obese Cats
  • Applies To:Musculo Skeletal System, Lifestage: Adult
  • Obesity represents the single biggest health risk among pet cats, and one that many veterinarians are reluctant to discuss, for fear of offending their clients. This article discusses how to assess your cat's weight, feeding routine and diet recommendations for weight loss. It also discusses new information concerning obesity and how carrying extra pounds of fat is the beginning of many other diseases, including diabetes. Number of citations = 10
  • Cat
  • Category:With Medical Conditions, Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:0
  • Price:$0.00
8 Results Found