Nutrition Library - Browse Articles for Foods and Feeding Strategies for Cats

  • Antioxidant Supplementation
  • This article contains general recommendations for feeding antioxidant nutrients to dogs and cats.
  • Cat
  • Category:Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:1
  • Price:$0.00
  • Cancer Cachexia
  • Applies To:Cancer, Lifestage: Senior and Elderly
  • Cancer cachexia is a common end stage manifestation of a wide variety of cancers in people, dogs and cats. It is a complex syndrome that includes progressive weight loss that occurs even in the face of apparently adequate nutritional intake. This article describes the current knowledge on cancer cachexia in dogs and cats and some very general feeding recommendations. Number of citations = 10
  • Cat
  • Category:With Medical Conditions, Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:3
  • Price:$0.00
  • Feeding Onions and Garlic
  • Applies To:All Lifestages
  • Although the recommendation to feed onion or garlic to pets is quite popular in the lay press, and allowable under current US AAFCO regulations, we do not recommend feeding garlic, leeks, onions and chives to dogs or cats because there is a potentially serious downside. Members of the Allium family (garlic, leeks, onions and chives) contain organosulfoxides, in particular, alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides. Cooking or spoilage of Allium plants does not reduce their potential toxicity.

    Citations = 6
  • Cat
  • Category:Healthy Pets, Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:3
  • Price:$0.00
  • Feeding Orphan Kittens
  • Applies To:Lifestage: Growth
  • The article contains feeding instructions for orphan kittens from birth to eating solid food. It also covers some basic care guidelines and gives physiologic normals such as weight, temperature, respiration and heart rate at different early ages. General health guidelines are also discussed so pet owners know what to look and when to seek veterinary help for a sick kitten.
  • Cat
  • Category:Healthy Pets, Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:5
  • Price:$0.00
  • Feeding pets based on genetics
  • Applies To:All Lifestages
  • The goal of nutrigenomics is to maintain and improve individual healthy and manage individuals with disease through personalized nutrition. This article introduces the current thinking of how the nutrients and diet fed to dogs and cats may be altered in the future based on knowing their genetic makeup.

    Number of citations = 32
  • Cat
  • Category:Healthy Pets, Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:6
  • Price:$0.00
  • Feeding Raw Diets - Be informed
  • Applies To:All Lifestages
  • This article presents the food safety issues around feeding raw diets to household pets.
    It does not contain recipes.

    Number of citations = 8
  • Cat
  • Category:Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:4
  • Price:$0.00
  • Homemade Diet 12 lb cat
  • Applies To:Lifestage: Adult
  • This recipe is for a 12 lb adult cat with NO medical problems. The recipe is certified by a Veterinary Nutritionist to be complete and balanced for long term feeding when fed according to instructions. The document contains one easy to make chicken, pumpkin and pasta recipe with several suggested food substitutions for variety. A specific supplement is recommended with amount to feed and where to purchase. Detailed information on storage, re-heating leftovers and monitoring are included. The nutrient profile of this diet is approximately 55% protein, 19% fat, 19% carbohydrate and 4% fiber with 0.9 % calcium and 0.8% phosphorous (Ca:P = 1.1) on a dry matter basis.

    You can easily adjust the recipe of your cat's weight. Please ""Contact us"" if you have any questions about this recipe or need help adjusting the food amounts for your particular cat.
  • Cat
  • Category:Healthy Pets, Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:3
  • Price:$15.00
  • Homemade Diets
  • Applies To:All Lifestages
  • This article presents the issue of nutritional integrity when feeding homemade (raw or cooked) diets. It does not contain recipes.

    Number of citations = 18
  • Cat
  • Category:Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:9
  • Price:$0.00
  • Kidney Disease - cat
  • Applies To:Kidney, Lifestage: Senior and Elderly
  • Cats with renal disease may first have an increase in drinking and urination and then a slow chronic loss of weight with occasional vomiting. The mainstay of dietary management of renal disease is to reduce the nitrogenous waste products, decrease phosphorous intake and increase water intake. Diet options diets are discussed and compared. This article does not contain diet recipes.
    Number of citations = 5
  • Cat
  • Category:With Medical Conditions, Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:5
  • Price:$0.00
  • Nutrition in Cancer Patients
  • Applies To:Cancer, Lifestage: Senior and Elderly
  • This article summarizes the collective knowledge to date on the nutritional factors, diets and feeding of companion animals with cancer. Nutritional support can reduce or prevent the side effects associated with cancer therapy and help ameliorate the metabolic changes induced by cancer in dogs and cats. Additionally, there is growing evidence that specific nutrients may aid in the treatment of some cancers. Manipulating the dietary fat, protein (amino acids) and soluble carbohydrate concentrations can potentially minimize the stress response and slow tumor progression.

    Number of citations = 16
  • Cat
  • Category:With Medical Conditions, Foods and Feeding
  • Number of Pages:11
  • Price:$0.00
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